Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fred the Tree

Hi everyone! Well, Halloween is over. But I do have a story to tell! This one's about my friend Fred the Tree.

"What's there to be a tree?" asked Fred the Tree. "All you do is swing your branches." "I know, right!" said a leprechaun appearing next to him. "Woah, how did you get here?" asked Fred. "Magic." replied the leprechaun.
"I can help you!" the leprechaun said. "I can give you powers to be anything!" "Sure! Awesome!" said Fred being puffed by smoke. "Now what do you want to be?" asked the leprechaun. "A mailbox!" Fred shouted.
"Wow. It's really boring being a mailbox." said Fred. "All you do is open and close." "Well, then change into something else!" the leprechaun said. "Okay, then, a glass bottle!" Fred said. "Wish granted!" said the leprechaun.
Fred tried to move. But he couldn't. He couldn't do anything.  Fortunately, the leprechaun could read minds, so he heard Fred thinking, "This is awful! I can't do anything, and soon I'll go to the smelly old recycling place! "Well, then why don't you change into something else?" the leprechaun said. "Ok, a-WAIT! HOW CAN YOU READ MY MIND??!!" Fred thought. The leprechaun slapped Fred. "Just get on with it!" he said. "All right, all right." thought Fred. "How about a rock?"

"Are you sure?" asked the leprechaun. "Yeah!" thought Fred. "All right," said the leprechaun uncertainly. "Wish granted." "COOL! I'M A ROCK!" thought Fred. "Um, yeah. so whaddaya wanna do?" asked the leprechaun. "Let's play Who Can Throw their Apples the Farthest!" thought Fred. "Oh. Yeah. I'm not a tree anymore." he said glumly. "How about "Who Can Make the Funniest Face?" suggested the leprechaun. "Yeah! That's a fun one!" thought Fred. "Oh. Yeah. I don't have a face." he replied sadly. "Being a rock is no fun! I miss being a tree!" "Well, do you want to change back into a tree?" asked the leprechaun.
"YES!" thought Fred. "Ok!" said the leprechaun. "Wish granted!" Then he disappeared. But Fred didn't care. He loved being a tree, and suddenly it didn't seem so boring after all.
THE END!!! Hope you liked it!!
~Spuddie/Spud/Joe III