Thursday, July 16, 2015

Writin' a Story!

Hey everyone! I'm back! And I want to write a story because it's been such a long time since I just sat down and wrote a story on this blog. I'm just going to make this up as  I go with only a little bit of editing! So here we go. I don't know what the title is yet.

Untitled (for now) by neros1234
One fine day, a cat was walking along a fence, jut minding her own business. She had nothing in particular to do that day, she was just chilling and walking on the fence for something to do. There was a bowl of food inside waiting for her, but she wasn't especially hungry. She could smell baking cookies from the neighbor's house next door and that changed. She took a big sniff at the air-mmm, chocolate chip! She relaxed and purred contentedly, and then ran off in search of those cookies- and then she remembered she was standing on a fence. She howled and clawed at the air, but luckily landed on a bush. That fence was taller than she expected. She made her way out of the bush, licking sticks and leaves out of her fur, and set off again for the cookies. When the neighbors noticed her standing on the windowsill, they called out "Stella! Aww, who's a pretty kitty? You are! Yes you are!" Stella purred and they rubbed her chin. They were good neighbors. "Sorry kitty, but you can't have any cookies, chocolate isn't good for dogs and cats." the lady said. "But I have something else for you!" She reached into her pocket and brought out a handful of kitty treats. "Liver and salmon, I know you like those!" she told Stella. Stella greedily munched on the treats while the neighbors pet her. Suddenly someone cried out. "Stella! Stella, where are you?" Stella jumped down from the neighbors' windowsill. "Bye!" they called. "There you are!" Peter and Claudia's mom said. "I was worried abut you! I thought you were lost!" She picked her up. "Okay, let's go home now. There's food for you in the kitchen." She set Stella down and the contented cat walked into the living room. Peter, a 1-year old wearing nothing but a Winnie the Pooh shirt, was sitting on the floor playing with Claudia, his 8-year-old sister. She was tickling him and attempting to read her book at the same time. It was not working, as every chance he got Peter would try to steal her book and throw it across the room. Eventually Claudia gave up and went to go read on the couch. Stella moseyed over to Peter and he giggled when he saw her. "Claya! Claya!" he said. "What, Peter?" Claudia said from the couch. "Catoy!" he said. "Okay, I'll go get you a cat toy. Just don't pull Stella's tail." Claudia walked into the kitchen where they kept the cat toys and tossed one to Peter. "Here you are!" she said. Peter shook the toy and Stella batted at it. Peter giggled. "Okay everyone, time for dinner! Come to the table!" their mom called. Claudia picked up Peer an brought him to the table. Stella went outside again. She would scavenge for table scraps later. It was a nice evening, the sky was a deep shade of lavender and she could smell the flowers growing in the family's garden. But something was amiss. She couldn't tell what exactly- maybe because the grill was open?- but something was not right. She walked out into the driveway to peek around, but then a a strong uneasy feeling came over her. She turned around quickly to go back inside- and found herself staring into the barrel of a cold red gun.

Stella woke up hours later in some sort of box. She massaged the spot in her shoulder where the tranquilizer dart had gotten lodged. She tried to remember where she was, but couldn't. Why was she in a box? Why were there unfamiliar smells all around? And why was it so quiet? Living in a house with 4 people in it, it was never this quiet. It must be nighttime, she thought. Suddenly memories came flooding back to her- playing with Peter, going outside, being shot with a tranquilizer gun. She shivered, it was cold in that box. Where were Peter, Claudia and their parents? Were they looking for her? She hoped so. She heard a shout- the first noise she had heard since she woke up- and jumped up, startled. She hissed and tried to figure a way out. The box didn't look very sturdy, it looked like it was made of foam or plastic. She scratched the top of it, and flakes of Styrofoam rained down on her. It looked easy enough to escape, and so she started scratching more at the walls of the box. Suddenly she slid over to the other side, and she heard voices. Someone had picked up this box. She looked though the hole she had made in the wall of the box, there were two men talking to each other in hushed tones. She didn't understand a lot of English, but she had learned phrases such as 'food', 'Stella', 'cat', 'yes', 'no', and Peter and Claudia's names, as well as other things. The men were not saying anything that she understood, but she could tell it wasn't nice things. She hissed and clawed at the man's hand, and he almost dropped the box in surprise.  He yelled at her through the opening and she shrunk back. They were in some sort of abandoned airport, or at least it looked abandoned at the moment. It was very early morning, she could tell by the sky, so maybe no one was there yet. She wondered if she still had her collar, she couldn't see her neck and couldn't feel it very well either. If she had her collar, she still had a small chance of someone finding and rescuing her, but that was unlikely at best. She hadn't been to many airports, they went on a trip once when Claudia was little and brought Stella along, but that was the only time. It was scary being on the plane on the way there, but she remembered she had gotten used to it on the trip back. Hopefully she could get out of her prison before they boarded the plane, but she would have to act fast, the men were only a few feet away from a smaller plane than the others she had seen. She began scratching at the bottom of the box, but that must have been reinforced because she could not break through it as easily as she had with the walls and ceiling. She began scratching as hard as she could at the walls, but then she was bounced around and realized they must be going up the stairs to the plane. This was her last chance! She finally broke free of the wall and leaped out of the box- right as it fell and she jumped into the man's hands. He must have noticed her scratching and dropped the box at the right time. She meowed fiercely and bit into his hand, drawing blood. He screamed and threw her across the room. She ran back at him, furious for what he had done, but then the other man brought out the dreaded tranquilizer gun. She hissed and yelled in the corner and looked generally menacing, but the man didn't seem fazed. Eventually they went into the cockpit of the plane, and Stella heard them direct some other evil man to drive it. Stella was enraged. She walked around to explore the plane, but there wasn't much. There was the door and the corner Stella was in earlier, but other than that, the plane was bare. And they had locked the door of the cockpit. There was a window, but it was too high for her to see out of. he felt like crying. What started out as a perfect day now was the worst one of her life. What were these awful people planning to do with her? Why would they just steal a cat from her own driveway? She felt mad at herself. She should never have walked out into the driveway. She should have stayed in the nice, safe backyard, surrounded by the very fence that she was walking on not 10 hours ago. The plane was rumbling, it had taken off and was now heading for whereever it was heading. Stella lay down and fell asleep.

The plane was shaking. Stella jumped awake when she slid over to the side of the plane. It didn't look like the nasty drivers were having a very smooth landing. But then again, they were ruthless criminals who had stolen a cat from somebody's home without any thought to her safety, so they didn't deserve a good place to land. Stella slid over to the other side of the plane and hit it with such force that she cried out. She did her best to stay grounded, but the plane was shaking and moving around so violently that it was hard to even dig her claws into the floor. She was glad the door wasn't open, or she would have fallen out for sure. This terrible shaking and trembling went on for several minutes, until at last the plane stopped and the pilots unlocked the cockpit and walked out. Stella swiped at them and hissed like there was no tomorrow, but it didn't even matter to them. The last one picked her up and put her in yet another box, and then walked out of the plane. They were in some sort of large gathering of people- a marketplace, maybe?- she could hear lots of people chatting and laughing, unaware that there were men very close to them who had kidnapped a cat and brought her on a plane to this unfamiliar place. What were these men doing here? Did they want to sell her? That would be despicable and illegal. But they apparently didn't need anything here, as the sounds quickly faded and they got into a car that was parked in somewhere dark. They drove silently and efficiently, and a few minutes later Stella found herself in what she recognized as a hotel. They took the elevator up, and then the men split up to go to different rooms, and Stella was handed off to person after person until one of them took her and threw her box on the floor. This room was carpeted though, so it didn't hurt. Stella could hear loud knocking noises, but she couldn't tell where they were coming from. She looked over at the man who had brought her here. He took a piece of paper out of his briefcase, read through it, and shredded it up. He then put the shreds in his mouth and swallowed. Stella was getting cramped- this box wasn't as big as the other one, and it certainly wasn't padded. Finally the man finished whatever evil things he was doing and walked out of the room, locking the door as he left. Stella burst out of her box, ripping apart the flimsy walls and feeling an immediate sense of relief. She walked around, exploring the place a little. She was thrown near a dresser with a TV on it, and there was a bed and a closet. The room was clean; the maid had probably come in and cleaned it before the man with the briefcase came. Stella hopped up on the bed, it had been what seemed like days since she truly relaxed. She looked up towards the ceiling- and almost jumped out of her skin. A parrot was sitting on the bedpost looking at her. It squawked.
*Author's note- I'm not gonna make this story have talking animals. Just saying.
Stella was so scared she ran under the bed. The parrot flew down to the floor and turned its head. It squawked again. How could this parrot have gotten in here? the window was closed, and she didn't see another box when she came in. Was it already here when she came? She couldn't tell.

Nico the African gray parrot was confused. Who was this? He had never seen one like it before. It had long feathers and it was covered in dirt, like he was. It had white and brown markings, unlike him. He was all gray except for his red tail feathers. He wondered if it was in that box that had come in a few minutes ago. At that time he was in the bathroom pecking at the sink. He found that when he did that it made funny loud knocking noises and he liked to do it. He stared at this mysterious creature and it made a startling hissing sound, like the snakes in the savanna. He missed the savanna. Those strange men with bags had taken him from there and put him on a plane and brought him here. He wondered if he would ever go back. Suddenly the creature made the hissing sound again and Nico flew up to the ceiling again.

That's all for now. This story will be finished on August 2nd, 2015.