Friday, April 10, 2015

An Animal Jam Story

Heylo everyone! It's 2015! Interesting. Not much different from 2014. Well, it has been for a while so that makes sense that it's not different. What's been new with me? Well, I found something DISGUSTING the other day. Someone had taken an innocent potato like myself, shredded it up, and fried it! Just the thought of that. Oh. Wait, hold on. Neros is saying something...

Oh. Neros says that I'm the only talking potato and that the other ones don't have feelings. She also says that potato chips are tasty. WELL SCREW YOU, NEROS!!! I have better things to do! Like tell you a story. This one's about Animal Jam, that weird game that Neros is always playing. (Don't tell her I said that!) It's quite long. Anyway, enjoy the first story of 2015!

Chapter 1

Cosmo and Liza stood before an enormous pile of gems. "I don't want to do this, Cosmo!" Liza said. "I know, but we have no gems left for the Jammers! If they don't get their gems, the Phantom King will take over Jamaa!" "Okay. Here goes nothing!" Liza replied, taking a deep breath. Then she plunged way, way down into the giant pile of gems.
Chapter 2

"Cosmo! Catch these! Quick!" Phantoms were starting to come out of the holes on the sides of the pile (because the phantoms had stolen the gems in the first place) and they were heading straight for Liza! She threw up a few more handfuls and tried climbing up the gem pile, but she kept slipping! "Cosmo! Go get help!" she shouted. Then she slipped. A phantom was straight below her! She screamed and waited for it to be all over.

Chapter 3
But she didn't fall into the phantom abyss. Instead, she hung...right above it? Liza didn't understand until she looked up. There was Peck, grasping a ladder which Liza was holding the other end of. She crawled up to safety.
"So I think you owe me a thank you." Peck said in a satisfactory way, once Liza was safe and sound. "Okay. Thanks so much, Peck for saving my life! Hey-where's Cosmo?" They both looked down Cosmo had jumped down there and was making his chomper plants. "Not again. Do you want us to send down the ladder?" Peck asked. "No, I'm good. But hey-could someone else get down here and collect gems? Bring some bags, too." So Peck jumped down with an armful of bags. Liza held the ladder. Cosmo and Peck began scooping up gems and throwing them to Liza. She usually caught them, but one time she made a flying leap to grab them, falling into the slowly diminishing pile of gems and letting..go..of the..ladder.

Chapter 4
They all filled up bags now, and in a flash they were completely out of bags. So they climbed up on the very small pile of gems and called for help. And eventually, when the phantoms had almost caught the brave Alphas, and they had lost all hope, help did come. "GREELY!" Peck, Liza and Cosmo all shouted at once. The phantoms froze. "Come on." Peck said. "These phantoms won't be frozen for long." "Hey, that was my line!" complained Greely.
Peck, Liza, Cosmo and Greely stood before a tiny pile of gems and a whiole lot of angry phantoms (who weren't frozen from Greely's magic anymore.) "Whew, that was close." said Cosmo. "Yeah, I'm glad we don't have to do that for a LONG time!" Peck said, smiling at the many bags of gems they had collected. "For a really long time..." Greely said.

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